The neck is vital to your body because it protects and supports your head and spinal cord. Imagine balancing a 10 pound object on the end of a small bar. The neck is so delicate that even the little pains can turn into something chronic and severe. Your neck should be strong, flexible, and pain free. Injury, poor posture, aging, and repeated stress on your neck can damage the neck. Chiropractic can treat these issues through manipulation and therapy. These techniques will not only decrease pain but will increase joint flexibility and spinal alignment.
Arthritis in the neck is very common. Arthritis is a breakdown of normal cartilage caused by either excessive joint wear and tear or from an autoimmune disease called rheumatoid arthritis. The most common kind of arthritis is degenerative arthritis which is chiefly due to wear and tear or repetitive injury to the same joint or joints. This is very common in the spine especially in our cervical and lumbar spine.
Degenerative Disc Disease is very common as we age. Between our vertebrae is a jelly like substance referred to as a spinal disc. These spinal discs are our shock absorbers. As we age these discs lose fluid and become thinner which means less cushion or padding between our vertebrae. This condition can cause a variety of symptoms including pain, weakness, or numbness. The symptoms depend on the location and severity of disc degeneration. The body may react by creating bony growths called bone spurs. This can also produce similar symptoms in the body.
The neck can also refer pain to the shoulders, arms, hands, and especially the back of the head. Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of chronic neck pain and discussed in further detail in another section of the website. Whiplash will often throw your neck out of balance. Whiplash can occur in any forceful jerking of the neck including during sports. It is important to see a chiropractor to ensure that a minor issue does not become something major. An exam will be performed in office to determine the best treatment option for each patient. It takes time to heal any type of injury but with early treatment you can speed your healing process, relieve pain, decrease tightness, and correct misalignment. Pammer chiropractic is a great treatment option for most injuries including neck pain and whiplash.
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